Friday, February 7, 2014

As a child

For quite some time, I have been reflecting a lot about children. I think children are some of the most amazing beings to be around; they are usually so forthright and innocent! In this line, I have for a while taken the liberty of observing children wherever I meet them. And I have compared my findings only to come up with a common conclusion that children are the same. They have so many undeniable similarities. After this inquisition, I best appreciated why Jesus related the Kingdom of God with children. Christians have a lot to learn from children; some of which I have highlighted here under:
  1. Adaptability to change: I find children notably flexible and adaptable to new realities. If you were to take a child (of whatever age) and place them in a new environment, they will end up learning so quickly. They make friends so easily and won't struggle fitting in. Everything they see fascinates them and they never withhold the marvel of their wonder. Christians are simply sojourners on this world being "in but not of the world". In order to fit in and make an impact, one needs to be able to appreciate their surrounding as well as the facts underlying the happenings. A true Christian is a relational Christian, one who doesn't keep to himself but is willing to spread their interactive wings into new air waves.
  2. Willingness to ask: When a child doesn't understand, they ask. If something new seems complicated, they simply inquire from those around who may know. In this, they are never left out in being part of the whole. A child will never want to miss out on relevant realities. If anything, they will do all they can to find a place of significance wherever they are. Similarly, Christians ought to be curious to find out why things are the way they are. The willingness to venture into why some people reject the faith, for example, is not so much as to make someone fall from the faith! It should be the norm that as a child, every Christian is at the ready to ask whatever doesn't make sense; so as to clear any doubts. The questions could be channeled to those who have been in the faith for quite some time or simply have some discussions with peers...
  3. Sheer dependence: Children are very dependent on their parents. A child doesn't rely on someone they don't know, no matter how close to the family they are. They instead, have a high regard for their parents; and whenever they need anything, they simply present their case to their mother or father. Christians ought to depend on their heavenly Father for everything. This takes a firm reliance and submission that comes with obedience and reverence. Whenever God is viewed as a Father, it becomes so easy to connect with Him and to fully trust Him.
  4. Firm faith and belief: It is interesting to listen to a child ask his parents every single question that they have. Amazingly enough, the child always thinks that the parent has an answer to every problem. I fondly remember those days when I was young and still in school. Every time we had some home work, I went direct to my parents regardless of the subjects. It never occurred to me at any point that my parent could possibly not be knowing what I asked. Whether social, financial, political, or spiritual issues, a child always believes that their parent knows it all! I think this is why most children have their parents as heroes... When this is related to our heavenly Father, the bars are raised much higher because God is all-knowing, all-able, and all-powerful! Thus, it should be clear for us that we can ask God for and about anything that we may need. Anytime, there is an issue, a believer should get down on his knees and take his concerns to the Lord for He has all the answers.
  5. Pride in their parents: This was the most fascinating fact I gathered. I noted that when two or more children are having an argument about whose parent is the best; every child usually wants to come out best by presenting very solid cases about their respective parents. It is not rare to see a "war" erupt among the children just because somebody was looking down upon another's parent. Now, this doesn't mean that someone is to become a psychophant, but there is the place of having pride in your Father. When you're proud of your Father in heaven, then you never shy away from sharing and talking about Him. There should be that unquenchable hunger to talk about how great and wonderful He is and has been to you! One never stops talking about their parents, when they are proud of them!
  6. Security and safety: Whenever a child is in the hands of his parent, he never worries about what he will eat or will wear. The child knows automatically that the parent will take care of everything. In fact, many times, they even never ask; these basic things are just expected to be availed. It is within the confines of the child's knowledge that the parent is well aware of their roles and responsibilities. I am at times amazed at how Christians usually get bothered so much by some very basic issues. You find someone so upbeat on how they look, how they are perceived, how and what they will say among other things. They tend to forget the kind and nature of the God they call Father. I never knew what this meant until I reflected on it; and I was struck at how amazingly true it is that Christians limit the doing and expanse of God Almighty! One should be secure and safe when in the bosom of God; looking for other things to present to Him and not to keep worrying of how things would turn out... :)
  7. Honesty and openness: Children (as far as I am concerned) are always very open with their parents. Whenever there is a matter that warrants a discussion, it is amazing how children know the fruits of being forthwith with their parents. They apparently understand what it means to be honest and state the truth to their parents. Most times, even if a child has badly messed up, being honest could salvage them from facing dire repercussions. I have also noted that most, if not all, parents really treasure honesty and transparency. This is similar with God. He says He can't despise a "contrite spirit and broken heart". He is not moved by emotions; instead by a steadfast heart just like that of king David after committing adultery with Bathsheba (Psalms 51). After all, He judges even the motives of man; so why even purport to lie or sway Him with our words!! It is very essential that man gets to be himself before God to simply lay forth the facts as they are.
In a nutshell, when you're a child you have the confidence of being with a parent who not only cares for you but also loves you above all things. And to have the assurance of a heavenly Father who loves, sustains and upholds His own is majestic enough!! So, why not go out there and become His true children; proudly remaining faithful to Him... :)


  1. A good read Simuyu

    Brokenness as another virtue I have learned from Children.They will cry before their parents with no shame. History has shown that God works in broken but not proud hearts.

  2. Indeed Steve! Learning from the heart and spirit of children is an endless journey... I keep marveling at the many relevant lessons one can pick from these lovely young-lings...
